  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Ceasefire in Gaza: Stop genocide

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Stefanik

From: A constituent in Malone, NY

May 30

The horrific escalation of violence in Rafah, Gaza, with at least 66 civilians including children killed and hundreds more wounded over just four days, despite a recent International Court of Justice ruling ordering Israel to halt its military offensive, is utterly unacceptable. Families are being slaughtered while seeking shelter in areas explicitly designated as "safe zones." There is quite literally nowhere for innocent people to flee. This wanton disregard for civilian lives and the laws of war cannot continue. Urgent action is needed to impose an immediate and definitive ceasefire to end the killing and suffering in Gaza. Failure to do so will only further destabilize the region and lead to more senseless loss of life. Governments have a moral obligation to use their power and influence to stop this massacre and protect the lives of children and civilians. Continuing to bankroll violence and military operations that indiscriminately target civilians is inexcusable. Public funds must be diverted away from perpetuating this cycle of bloodshed towards humanitarian aid and working for a just peace. The world is watching and will judge the resolve of leaders to truly uphold human rights and the sanctity of innocent lives.

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