  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Lawler, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Hawthorne, NY

May 24, 2024

I am writing to ask that you to introduce legislation that would pause and fix Louis DeJoy’s disastrous ten-year plan for the USPS. There are three bills in the House the Senate should also introduce. They are HR 8000 the “Timely Mail Delivery and Postal Services Protection” Act, HR 8045 the “Postal Operations Stay Timely and Local” Act, and H.R.8040 “To limit the closure or consolidation of any United States Postal Service processing and distribution center in Postal Service regions that have failed to meet certain delivery standards, and for other purposes. I am really unhappy about what’s going on with the Postal Service, and what I’d really like is for DeJoy to be fired. Barring that, the passage of these three bills would be a good start. Will you support all three? Thanks

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