  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Assembly Member Simone, Sen. Hoylman-Sigal, Gov. Hochul

From: A verified voter in New York, NY

June 5

A big THANK YOU to the Governor for delaying the current congestion pricing plan. As a lower income, working resident living within the zone, the current plan would be devastating to me and my neighborhood. Not only can I not avoid the zone where I have lived for 30 years, but trucking cost increases are going to drive up the price of everything in my neighborhood. The only time I use my car is to drive two blocks to the Lincoln Tunnel to visit my elderly mother. And then two blocks within the zone again to get back to my parking garage. I am in subsidized housing and can barely make ends meet as it is, but my family doesn't qualify for any relief under the current plan. I am in favor of plans that reduce traffic, but not on the backs of the residents who live here. I am very relieved that the plan has been paused, and I hope its current iteration goes away completely.

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