  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Scotus is corrupt and is destroying our democracy. Act.

To: Sen. Collins, Rep. Golden, Sen. King

From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME

July 2

I am terrified, alarmed, outraged, by the corruption of the Supreme Court. The recent immunity decision should chill th blood of anyone who cares about the b future of our democracy. Do something. Stop referring to the expansion of the court as packing. Impeach justices who lie. Scotus now has zero credibility and is undermining our democracy actively with every display of the appearance of impropriety and every capricious decision. How can the highest court in the land be immune from ethics rules that apply to lower courts? How can justices appointed by the convict felon ex potus rule in cases involving the corrupt man who appointed them? Do your job.

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