  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Bergman, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lake City, MI

December 10

I told you people would start lashing out. I told you people would become fed up with living in destitution. I told you elites would get hurt. I warned you all repeatedly. Why do you not listen to the average American? Why do you ignore us in favor of money? Since Brian was assassinated, I have heard more HOPE than anything you or the news media has ever given us! Whoever this shooter is, they've reunited the populists on both sides of this country. At least on my end of the economic ladder, they have become very outspoken against the cronyism, corruption, lies, cover-ups, and hate used to pit us against each other. Up to 44,000 people were dying in a year while Brian was the CEO of United Health Care. He was the CEO for almost 20 years. That's not even one of the worst executives in this country. What will you do when average Americans start eyeing you and the executives from other public sectors? We are tired of not being able to afford to exist. We are sick of being only one paycheck away from homelessness. We are fed up with everything being overpriced and services being underquality! We are pissed off at all of you who have turned our existence into a race for resources. If things don't change people will organize. People will take up violence if you continue to ignore their suffering and struggle. People will do something about these greedy executives if you don't do something. Your first failure was not wanting to communicate with the average Americans based on their lived experiences vs. your own. You're second failure was ignoring average Americans in favor of filling your own pockets. Your third failure will be ignoring this warning. If things in this country do not change for the benefit of average to low-income Americans, we will resort to violence after our attempts at communication with you have failed. Even though you've tried to divide us over multiple different issues. Deep down, most Americans know the real issue is up and down. Not left vs right. How did it not work you may ask? Americans do remember the meaning of HOPE. We are Hearing Other Peoples Experiences. Speaking of which, leave TikTok alone. You're only MAD ABOUT IT because we've discovered how to use it for finding HOPE anywhere and everywhere.

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