  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Reevaluate military aid to Israel, prioritize domestic investment

To: Rep. Norcross, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Clementon, NJ

June 29

America must immediately cease all military aid and arms transfers to Israel. The billions of dollars enabling Israel's unconscionable brutality against Palestinian civilians, including children, should instead be invested in domestic priorities that uplift struggling communities and address urgent needs like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Congress has a moral obligation to halt funding for Israel's human rights atrocities and genocidal actions, which flagrantly violate principles of human rights and democracy that America claims to uphold. Unconditional military support for Israel's criminal policies of ethnic cleansing and occupation is an affront to American values and must end now.

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