  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Protect LGBTQ+ youth: Oppose KOSA's internet censorship risks

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Averill Park, NY

July 24

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) purportedly aims to protect minors from harmful online content, but its broad provisions could lead to widespread suppression of valuable information and communities for LGBTQ+ youth. Many young people rely on the internet to learn about gender identity, sexuality, and connect with others facing similar struggles, especially those without supportive home environments. Enacting invasive age verification systems or empowering platforms to censor content they deem potentially "depressing" or "anxiety-inducing" would cut off crucial lifelines for these vulnerable groups. While concerns around the influence of big tech companies are valid, KOSA does little to address core issues like addictive design and exploitative data practices. Instead, it risks unleashing a new wave of censorship that disproportionately impacts marginalized communities. Progressive lawmakers should reject this flawed approach and present an alternative vision that protects human rights while reining in corporate abuses through privacy laws, antitrust efforts, and algorithmic accountability measures. Overly broad internet regulation seldom achieves its intended goals and often does more harm than good, especially for those already facing discrimination and isolation. We urge you to listen to the voices of LGBTQ+ youth and oppose KOSA to prevent further endangering this at-risk population.

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