VOTE NO on H.R.6090
  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

VOTE NO on H.R.6090

To: Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Canton, MI

May 3

VOTE NO on *H.R.6090* As your constituent, I urge you to vote NO on HR 6090 because: - Antisemitism, along with racism and Islamophobia, is used by politicians and pundits to maintain or expand power and divide communities. - The IHRA definition of antisemitism, originally drafted for European governmental monitoring, is inadequate and not designed for policy or legislation. - The IHRA definition fails to make Jewish people safer as it doesn't accurately identify the true nature or root causes of antisemitism. - It violates free speech rights when applied in policy or legislation. - The IHRA definition threatens Palestinians and their advocates by potentially censoring criticism of the Israeli government as antisemitism. - Seven out of the 11 examples of antisemitism in the IHRA definition involve shielding Israel from accountability. - The definition falsely assumes unanimity among Jewish people regarding the Israeli government and Zionism, perpetuating antisemitic tropes. - It neglects to address the role of right-wing extremists and white nationalists, many of whom support Zionism, in perpetuating violence against Jewish people. - A commitment to dismantling antisemitism requires rejecting the IHRA definition and advancing policies that prioritize Jewish safety without shielding Israel from accountability. Vote NO.

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