  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Abolish exploitative fees on Palestinians fleeing Gaza crisis

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown, Rep. Balderson

From: A constituent in New Lexington, OH

May 13

The practice of charging exorbitant fees to Palestinians fleeing violence and genocide in Gaza as they seek refuge in Egypt is a gross violation of human rights and an exploitation of their vulnerable situation. It is unconscionable that those already suffering immense hardships due to the ongoing crisis are being subjected to further financial burdens simply for seeking safety. This policy runs counter to the principles of human dignity and compassion, and must be addressed immediately. The international community cannot turn a blind eye to the plight of over 2 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza, struggling with limited access to basic necessities like clean water, electricity, and medical care, as reported by Human Rights Watch. The current crisis has only compounded their suffering, leaving them with no choice but to seek refuge elsewhere. To then demand hefty fees from these already impoverished individuals is not only unethical but also undermines their fundamental right to life and security. We urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately abolish this exploitative practice and facilitate safe passage for those fleeing the violence in Gaza. No one should be forced to pay for their own survival, especially when they are victims of circumstances beyond their control. By removing this financial barrier, Egypt can demonstrate its commitment to upholding human rights and providing humanitarian assistance to those in dire need. The world is watching, and the voices of those trapped in Gaza cannot be ignored. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the most vulnerable among us are protected and their rights respected. We call upon Egypt to act swiftly and compassionately, recognizing that every human life is precious and deserving of dignity.

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