  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Jayapal, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Seattle, WA

September 9

I am writing today to ask that my Rep Jayapal and Senators Murray and Cantwell move the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Program and the Government Pension Offset forward this year. Representative Jayapal, if you could sign the discharge petition tomorrow (9/10/24), it will help this unusually bipartisan bill to pass this month. Senators Murray and Cantwell, if you are not yet co-sponsoring S5 97, it would be great if you could do that. BTW the house bill is HR 82. I am one of the people who will be affected by this. I have a small Fire Department pension, and the WEP is preventing me from obtaining enough of my Social Security benefit to be able to retire. Thank you so much for all you three powerful women leaders do for us here in Washington state.

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