  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

NO on KOSA!! Shame on the platforming of Netanyahu in the Capitol!

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A verified voter in New York, NY

July 23

I’m your constituent in zipcode 10029. I’m frustrated that the KOSA bill is being brought to the floor, & urge a NO vote. Leaving it to be enforced by state attorneys general leaves the potential for abuse. And it’s still far too broadly written, won’t keep kids safe, & could endanger/harm people, especially LGBTQ+. Additionally, a website can't tell who's a minor without age-verifying every visitor to the site. I don't want to have to scan my face or my ID every time I visit any site on the internet and I don't want that information out there to get hacked… Unrelatedly, I ALSO am disgusted that a heinous war criminal like Bibi Netanyahu has been invited to speak to Congress. The US needs to cease its funding & weapons-supply to Netanyahu’s government. We’re participating in his genocidal actions, which he’s engaged in only to cling to power & avoid facing the legal consequences that he is due. We need a cease-fire. We need massive aid to actually reach the Palestinians. We need to join most of the rest of the world in calling for Netanyahu’s removal. He is no friend of Democrats, or of the Biden/Harris administration. He wants Trump & the GOP to win & further enable him. Shame on those in Congress who are platforming him here.

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