Save our USPS
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Save our USPS

To: Sen. Ossoff, Rep. Greene, Sen. Warnock

From: A verified voter in Dallas, GA

April 14

What is being done to save our beloved USPS from Louis DeJoy's ongoing campaign to destroy it from within? He continues to make progress in slowing down mail service in swing states like mine to interfere with Americans' access to the voting franchise. Slowing down mail service has multiple negative ripple effects, from people's bill payments arriving late, delayed prescription delivery, to loss of jobs. In addition to scheming to help defendant and traitor Trump gain access to the White House, he also wants to kill the USPS in order to privatize mail service. The USPS belongs to the American people, not political lackeys and plutocrats hellbent on destroying it. Please work with urgency to save our beloved USPS NOW, before it is too late.

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