Reconsider Arms Transfer to Israel: Prioritize Human Lives Over Military Interests
  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Reconsider Arms Transfer to Israel: Prioritize Human Lives Over Military Interests

To: Sen. Booker, Rep. Norcross, Sen. Menendez

From: A constituent in Clementon, NJ

April 10

The recent decision to transfer $2.5 billion worth of arms to Israel, including 1,800 MK84 and 500 MK82 bombs, amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, raises significant ethical concerns. Despite expressed apprehensions about civilian casualties, this decision has been met with widespread criticism, including from the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, US Senator Bernie Sanders, and various peace advocacy groups. The planned offensive in Rafah, home to over a million displaced Palestinians, further heightens these concerns. The use of these weapons in densely populated areas like Gaza is inappropriate and potentially implicates the United States in war crimes. This policy undermines the United States' position as a moral authority. It is crucial to reconsider this arms transfer and halt further weapon supplies to Israel, prioritizing human lives over military interests.

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