Vote to Expand the Child Tax Credit
  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Vote to Expand the Child Tax Credit

To: Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Imperial, PA

May 1

Expanding the Child Tax Credit is a proven, effective way to help families facing hunger and to reduce child poverty immediately! Recent USDA data shows that 13 million children in our country face hunger. Around 90% of families with low incomes reported using their expanded Child Tax Credit in 2021 on food, rent, bills and other necessities, like child care. This policy works. Since the expiration of the last expansion, food insecurity has increased to the highest levels since 2014, with 1 in 5 children facing hunger in 2022. Now is the time to act to support children in families with low incomes. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a deal that includes expanding the Child Tax Credit, with overwhelming bipartisan support. As your constituent, I urge you to prioritize families and children by supporting the expansion of the Child Tax Credit in the House-passed bipartisan tax legislation.

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