  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Prioritize diplomacy and aid to end Israel-Palestine conflict

To: Sen. Cruz, Pres. Biden, Rep. Van Duyne, Sen. Cornyn

From: A constituent in Dallas, TX

May 29

Amidst the escalating violence between Israel and Palestine that has claimed over 4,100 lives and injured countless more, urgent action is needed to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian aid. The Biden administration wields substantial diplomatic influence and must use it to call for and facilitate an immediate ceasefire and deescalation of hostilities. Furthermore, humanitarian assistance should be promptly sent and allowed entry into Gaza to address the dire situation unfolding there. The loss of life on both sides is tragic, and all efforts must be made to end the bloodshed and prioritize the well-being of those impacted. Swift intervention at the highest levels is crucial to preventing further devastation and suffering.

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