  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Comprehensive approach needed to address cultural glorification of violence

To: Sen. Hawley, Rep. Burlison, Sen. Schmitt

From: A verified voter in Springfield, MO

July 15

The tragic shooting attempt at Donald Trump's rally has once again highlighted the pervasive issue of gun violence in America. While debates around gun control often take center stage after such events, I believe we need to look beyond just gun laws and address the deeper societal factors that have normalized and even glorified violence in our culture. The entertainment industry bears significant responsibility for desensitizing us to gun violence through its constant portrayal across various media platforms. This has eroded the sense of sanctity attached to spaces like schools, places of worship, and public venues, which have increasingly become sites of carnage. Moreover, the profitability of violence and the decline in moral values have contributed to sustaining this damaging culture. Until we confront these underlying issues head-on, incidents like the one targeting Trump may become more commonplace rather than anomalies. It is imperative that we take a holistic approach to address this crisis. While implementing sensible gun laws is undoubtedly crucial, we must also critically examine the role of corporate interests, media influences, and the erosion of societal values that have perpetuated this cycle of violence. Only by tackling the root causes can we hope to create a safer, more civilized society where disagreements can be resolved through reasoned discourse rather than resorting to acts of violence.

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