  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

We Need a New Democratic Nominee

To: Sen. Warnock, Sen. Ossoff, Rep. Johnson

From: A constituent in Atlanta, GA

July 10

This election is too important to leave it to chance. Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy and must be stopped. In my last letter, I indicated that I first met Joe Biden in 2008 when he was running for VP. He was a complete rockstar and on top of his game. Unfortunately, he continues to demonstrate a declining capacity to communicate on behalf of our country. Additionally, he appears more frail than just a few years ago. Joe Biden is aging. That’s okay. He’s expected to age. However, with his aging, we need to recognize that he may not be able to represent us as he once did. While we may see this, it doesn’t appear that joe does. We’ve seen this play out previously with RBG. She made a similar error in judgment. As her health declined, she could have retired while Obama was in office. Instead, she elected to remain on the bench, allowing Trump to pick her successor. Republicans now have a super majority on the Supreme Court. I am reaching out to request your support in finding us a new nominee that can win. Joe needs to be convinced that this isn’t his time. Go out on top and be a bridge to the next generation. We need to hear your voice in this conversation.

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