  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

The Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. Quigley

From: A verified voter in Chicago, IL

September 10

I am a supporter of Life Span, an organization that helps survivors of domestic violence and needs federal funding to continue to provide legal represent ation and counseling to survivors. Thanks to lifespan, I am also a survivor, and now a Board member! e Victims Fund by temporarily adding excess funds from the False Cl The Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act will help restore the Crim of crime. aims Act to ensure that vital victim services remain available. Thi s is not taxpayer money—it comes from penalties paid by wrongdoers, r and support this bipartisan bill to restore funding for survivors and it is essential for supporting victims. I urge you to cosponso

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