  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Co-sponsor and support HR 3422 the judiciary act of 2023

To: Rep. Molinaro, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A verified voter in Freeville, NY

July 18

Hi, I'm a constituent from 13068. My name is Patricia Witten I’m happy to hear President Biden hinting that he will come out in support of term limits for Supreme Court justices, as well as an enforceable code of ethics and even a constitutional amendment to reverse the effect of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity. I strongly, strongly support all of this. I also support court expansion, and want my senators and Congress person to co-sponsor HR 3422 the Judiciary Act of 2023. Finally, I support AOC’s impeachment efforts against justices Alito and Thomas. Those two have shown corruption beyond description. They need to go. Thanks.

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