  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Pass the torch, Joe!

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Matsui, Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Sacramento, CA

July 17

I respectfully urge President Biden to step aside and allow the Democratic party to nominate a new candidate for the 2024 presidential election. While his administration has achieved laudable accomplishments in areas like pandemic recovery, economic rebuilding, climate action, and more, recent polling numbers and debate performances raise significant concerns about his ability to effectively take on Donald Trump. A Trump presidency would represent an existential threat to our democracy, and we need to put forward the strongest possible ticket to maximize our chances of defeating him. By committing to be a "transition president" in 2020, President Biden acknowledged this role. It is now time for him to make good on that promise and pass the torch to a new generation of leaders who can inspire and unite the party behind them. This is not just a demand, but a pledge to fully unite behind and contribute our utmost efforts to support the new Democratic nominee, whoever that may be. We simply cannot afford to lose this pivotal election. Putting country over self-interest, President Biden should step aside so that the Democratic National Convention can select a nominee with the vigor and broad appeal to secure victory in November.

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