  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

President Biden should remain in the race

To: Sen. Murphy, Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Larson, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Newington, CT

July 20

Biden's lackluster debate performance has sparked concerns about his age and ability to serve another term. However, withdrawing from the race would create a messy process for Democrats to select a new nominee with little time before the election. Despite the shaky showing, Biden remains committed to defeating Trump, whose divisive policies and disregard for democratic norms pose a greater threat to the nation's future. Rather than abandon the race, Biden should address voter concerns head-on, make a strong case for his vision and experience, and draw contrasts with Trump's reckless leadership. The stakes are too high to forfeit this consequential election based on one poor debate. Biden's resilience and determination to build a better future for all Americans should be given a chance by allowing him to make his case to the people.

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