  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Enact Supreme Court ethics code to ensure integrity

To: Rep. Foster, Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin

From: A verified voter in Marengo, IL

May 24

The Supreme Court upholds the highest judicial standards in interpreting the Constitution, yet it operates without a binding code of ethics that other federal courts follow. Implementing mandatory ethics rules for Supreme Court Justices would promote transparency and accountability, bolstering public trust in this critical institution. Reasonable reforms, such as requiring justices to explain reasons for recusal and establishing disciplinary procedures for misconduct, should be enacted to ensure the Court's integrity remains beyond reproach. Therefore, I urge you to support legislation establishing a clear ethics code for the Supreme Court that aligns with the principles of judicial independence and ethical conduct expected of our nation's highest court.

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