  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Auchincloss, Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Fall River, MA

December 22

You need to address the rage of the American people regarding the continual cycle of theft and death that is being visited upon us by the health insuranc We want dignity. You are supposed to work for US. Do you? s cannot stand. Luigi Mangione (allegedly) showed what will happen if this situation continues to get worse for the American people. No one wants this. e people can't possibly afford everything they need. The incoming administration is going to rob us and our nations coffers even more than usual and thi e industry and corporate America generally. We have nothing left to give. Rent is skyrocketing. Basic necessities are getting so expensive that low incom We want dignity. You are supposed to work for US. Do you? s cannot stand. Luigi Mangione (allegedly) showed what will happen if this situation continues to get worse for the American people. No one wants this. e people can't possibly afford everything they need. The incoming administration is going to rob us and our nations coffers even more than usual and thi You need to address the rage of the American people regarding the continual cycle of theft and death that is being visited upon us by the health insuranc e industry and corporate America generally. We have nothing left to give. Rent is skyrocketing. Basic necessities are getting so expensive that low incom

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