  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gomez, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

July 12

I’m writing because I just read that extreme heat killed 28 Americans this week, and the toll will almost certainly rise. Climate change is here and its effects are starting to really scare me. I’d like to know what climate legislation you’ve introduced or co-sponsored? Because I expect my lawmakers to act and I don’t think Congress is doing enough. Also, I’m aware that Republicans are trying to kill funding for climate measures in next year’s appropriations bills, as well as in the Farm Bill. I know that Project 2025 promises to get rid of the National Weather Service and that Trump is vowing to repeal all of President Biden’s climate policies. Are you kidding me? We are in a climate crisis. It’s real. We need to be throwing the whole of our government into finding solutions. Lawmakers who won’t do that need to lose their seats—and they will. Voters like me will make sure of it. Thanks.

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