  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Listen to the people

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. McMorris Rodgers, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Spokane Valley, WA

September 4

Perhaps you have noticed that the number of petitions, emails, and phone calls you’re getting about Palestine have slowed significantly. Do not think that this is because you’re winning. Do you know what this slowdown actually signals? That the people have lost faith in the system. If any of you have ever studied history, you’d know what happens when people lose faith in their governing body. Do you know WHY the people have lost faith in you and the government as a whole? Because you’ve failed us, not just domestically, over and over and over and over again. You don’t listen to us, and the masses are beginning to wake up to the fact that republicans and democrats are only different in the way that they speak to the people, but not in policy. Democrats talk a big game about equality and justice, but then turn around and pass massive funding packages for police, when we have a police brutality problem. They just stand by while republicans gut the bill of rights. They do nothing to preserve bodily autonomy. People are realizing that the both of you are nothing more than controlled opposition, and we don’t actually have any real choice in our elections. What do you think is going to happen if you continue ignoring people on Palestine? People are already struggling to buy basic necessities because you have done NOTHING about price gouging, how do you think they feel about their tax dollars going to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people? If you were smart, you’d start coming up with policies that match what the people actually want, and not what your wealthy donors want, because the alternative won’t be pretty. And don’t worry, this isn’t a threat, it’s a prediction. As a student of history with intense pattern recognition, I can see the writing on the wall, and I think you do too. The answer is to listen to us, not to continue ignoring us.

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