  1. United States
  2. Vt.
  3. Letter

please ask Biden to step aside in this election

To: Rep. Balint

From: A verified voter in Burlington, VT

July 16

I am writing to reaffirm my strong preference for a new Democratic presidential candidate, and ask again that you advocate for President Biden to step aside. President Biden’s post-debate interviews and appearances continue to disappoint and dismay; it’s obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that he is barely up to the job now, let alone four years from now. The recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump has only underscored the apparent difference in “vitality” between the two candidates, which further weakens Biden’s standing. Senator Welch has already publicly stated his position, and I deeply appreciate his integrity and independence in this matter. I hope that you, too, can take a stand — for the sake of our democracy, and for respecting the eyes and ears of the voting public.

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