  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Protect civilians like Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda, Peabody Award winner.

To: Sen. Bennet, Rep. Crow, Pres. Biden, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

July 3

I am writing to draw your attention to the harrowing situation faced by Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda during the ongoing assault on Gaza. Bisan's brave and relentless reporting from Gaza has brought global awareness to the dire conditions faced by civilians. Documenting her family's escape from Beit Hanoun to Al-Shifa Hospital, she reports amidst constant danger and scarcity of basic necessities, embodying the resilience and courage of the Palestinian people. Bisan's work has garnered international recognition, including a Peabody Award, yet her safety remains precarious. I urge you to advocate for her protection and support efforts to ensure the safety and rights of journalists in conflict zones. ““ Instagram: @wizard_bisan1 TikTok: @wizard_bisan1

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