Permanent Ceasefire & Discontinuation of Aid to Israel
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Permanent Ceasefire & Discontinuation of Aid to Israel

To: Sen. Bennet, Rep. Neguse, Pres. Biden, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A verified voter in Boulder, CO

April 17

Voter Demand: Permanent Ceasefire and Discontinuation of aid to Israel while Likud Party is in Power I have been voting on Democrat party lines, and I will not vote for President Biden if he does not call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the genocide of Palestinians. Biden must also veto legislation that funds Israel or contributes towards the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. We must implement immediate effective and realistic aid to the people in Gaza. I am politically active and involve my community in voting, donating, and volunteering in every election. I will not vote, donate to, volunteer, or rally the community to do these actions for a candidate that supports the genocide of the Palestinian people. Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to be at an all-time low, and it is because of pressure from politically-active people like me that my friends, family, and community actually go vote. In the pivotal 2024 election, I will have no qualms about telling my community they can sit at home. I will not be advocating for genocide. Trump is going to win if you do not act and consider what that will mean for the rest of the geopolitical landscape. My community agrees on this, and so do Americans overall. 80% of Democrats are pro-ceasefire, along with a majority of Independents and even Republicans, according to Data for Progress’ poll on Oct 18, 2023. Even in March 2023, Gallup reported that “Democratic voters are now more sympathetic toward Palestinians than Israelis…Sympathy toward the Palestinians is also at a new high among political independents.” We will no longer vote for Democrats just because “the alternative is worse”. We demand that Democratic Party leaders either pressure Joe Biden into doing the right thing and calling an immediate ceasefire, or run a candidate who does. I am a single-issue voter on this.

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