  1. United States
  2. Vt.
  3. Letter

Stop talking about Biden dropping out!

To: Sen. Welch

From: A constituent in Montpelier, VT

July 12

It was with great dismay that I learned that today you stepped forward to call for Joe Biden to step aside. There is absolutely no benefit to your proclaiming this publicly. If the voters of Vermont (of which I am one, and I voted for YOU) have issues, then those concerns should be communicated privately through the party apparatus. The GOP is loyal and committed to Trump, a consummate liar, rapist, misogynist, insurrectionist, and felon. Your blathering to the press only FEEDS the negative feedback cycle. It creates confusion and disarray. It causes doubt in undecided voters. They might not vote for Trump, but they just might not vote at all, which is almost as disastrous. In short, make your praises public and keep your criticisms private, unless you’re talking about Trump, and then do the opposite. Also, tell the other Democrats in the Senate and the House to put their heads down, get to work, and use every ounce of air time and column inches to talk about ALL the good things that have been accomplished over the past three and a half years! Talk about the dangers of electing a runaway fascist enabled by the Supreme Court. Talk about Project 2025, and the dangers it represents to our Republic.

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