  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Foreign Aid; Levant

To: Rep. D'Esposito, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Garden City, NY

June 9

I consistently find that I am both unsurprised and deeply shocked that you have yet to speak on the atrocities of the Israeli military. Today's attack on a refugee camp, which supposedly was off limits, lead to the death of around 200 refugees. Today I was proud to stand with over 70,000 Americans in D.C. to show that we will not let President Biden's red line be a lie and that his administration and your voices must condemn the Israeli military and Israeli government's violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statue. I pray that you see the humanity in the unbelievable suffering of the Palestinian people.

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