  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Reconvene Congress to fund FEMA

To: Sen. Schumer, Rep. Kennedy, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Tonawanda, NY

October 7

With Hurricane Helene causing widespread devastation across the Southeast, it is imperative that Congress promptly reconvenes to address the looming funding shortfalls faced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration's disaster loan program. While providing $20 billion in additional funding before the hurricane was a positive step, it is now clear that more resources are urgently needed for disaster relief and recovery efforts. The President has rightly called for Congress to restore funding to the SBA's disaster loan program, which was strained even before Helene struck. Furthermore, as Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas warned, FEMA itself lacks sufficient funds to sustain operations through the remaining hurricane season. Prompt congressional action is crucial to ensure these vital agencies can continue to support affected communities and businesses in their time of need. Failing to address these funding gaps would be an unconscionable dereliction of duty, leaving vulnerable populations without the federal assistance they desperately require. As a nation, we have a moral obligation to stand with our fellow citizens in the aftermath of natural disasters, providing the resources necessary for rebuilding and recovery. Partisan politics must not impede this fundamental responsibility. The extensive damage wrought by Hurricane Helene underscores the pressing need for a robust, well-funded disaster response capacity. Congress must act swiftly and decisively to ensure FEMA and the SBA have the means to fulfill their missions effectively. The well-being of countless Americans depends on it.

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