Halt Funding for "Cop City" Project: Protect Community and Forest
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Halt Funding for "Cop City" Project: Protect Community and Forest

To: Sen. Warnock

From: A constituent in Ellenwood, GA

April 15

The proposed "Cop City" project, involving the destruction of up to 380 acres of the Weelaunee Forest, is a matter of grave concern. This project, despite strong opposition from the majority of Atlanta residents, threatens the health of the surrounding community and increases the risk of violence. The tragic loss of Manuel Terán, who was defending these forests, underscores the severity of this issue. It is crucial to reconsider this project and prioritize the wellbeing of the community and the preservation of the forest. We urge you to listen to the voices of your constituents and halt the funding and development of "Cop City". The focus should be on fostering trust and safety within the community, rather than escalating tensions.

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