  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Israel attacked another hospital - Arms Embargo NOW

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Pelosi, Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in San Francisco, CA

October 14

From Washington Post on October 14: “An Israeli airstrike on a hospital compound in central Gaza early Monday sent flames ripping through tents housing displaced people, killing at least four and injuring dozens. Videos from the scene appeared to show one man being burned alive as bystanders could do little but watch. The Israeli military said the target of the strike was a Hamas command center on the premises of al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, in the Deir al-Balah area. The site was filled with tents erected by families who had fled fighting elsewhere in the enclave. The majority of the 40 injured from the overnight strike and ensuing fire — some seriously - were women and children, Gaza's Health Ministry said in a statement. The strike was yet another instance of Gaza's hospitals, which are supposed to be afforded extra protection under international law, coming under Israeli attack. And for the displaced civilians, it underscored once again that no place in the Strip is safe.” According to Data For Progress, the majority of America - 56% of Republicans and 86% of Democrats - support a permanent ceasefire. 70% of Democrats support restricting weapons funding to Israel. Are you going to listen to the people? Are you going to center humanity? President Biden’s administration continues to supply and fund Israel while knowing since October 2023 that Israel has been targeting civilians. Secretary Blinken knew that Israel was blocking aid from entering Gaza and lied about it. This is continued participation in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and a violation of Leahy Law, which prohibits our government from funding foreign forces who are implicated in gross human rights violations, including targeting civilians and deliberately preventing access to humanitarian assistance. What will presidential candidate Kamala Harris do differently? I am demanding you to take immediate steps to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and massacres in Lebanon by calling for no more weapons or funding to the Israeli military. I support Senator Sanders’ Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block arms sales to Israel. The ICJ ruled that Israel should do everything in its power to prevent genocide. Never again means never again for anyone. All people - including Palestinians - deserve to live with freedom and safety which means first stopping this genocide and then ensuring liberation from occupation and apartheid. The liberation and safety of Palestinians, Israelis, Jewish people, Muslim people, and Lebanese people are intertwined. There can only be true safety when we are all free from oppression.

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