  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

VA Executive Bonuses Should be Returned to Government

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Strickland

From: A verified voter in Tacoma, WA

May 11

The Department of Veterans Affairs improperly approved nearly $11 million in bonuses intended for critical staffing needs, instead distributing the funds to over 180 senior executives. This misuse of funds intended to support hiring specialists to process expanded veterans benefits is unacceptable. While most executives have returned or agreed to repay the improper bonuses, 19 have challenged having to do so. Just as the government routinely garnishes wages or pursues repayment from lower-level employees who receive improper payments, these senior officials must be held to the same standard. All executives who improperly received bonuses from this allocation should be required to fully repay the funds without exception. Equal accountability must be applied across all levels to restore integrity and proper stewardship of resources meant to serve our veterans.

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