- United States
- Mass.
- Letter
As your constituent I am asking you to support increased home rule for the cities and towns of Massachusetts. Allow these towns to enact policies such as rent control, which will alleviate much financial burden. Boston should be given greater home rule and allowed to pass taxes, rent control measures, etc. The state legislature needs drastic reform. We are falling behind in protections for hard working people. We cannot afford to become complacent. We know what problems plague our communities (housing costs, poor public transportation, high costs of heat & electricity, etc) and we know how to fix them. The legislature must undergo reform and forgo its secrecy. The government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts works for we the people and as such its actions should be public record including but not limited to recorded votes in committee, full transparency and documentation of all proposed bills, and ending the retribution culture that pervades our state government. Massachusetts has enormous potential not only to be an economic and educational powerhouse, or a bastion of social progress, but a state that holds the torch of liberty and democracy. Reform the legislature, support home rule, and listen to your constituents. Massachusetts is already a powerhouse for social progress it’s time we utilize that power for economic development and support for the hard working people of our great state.