- United States
- Maine
- Letter
The United States government must take immediate action to uphold the Leahy Law and restrict military aid to Israeli army units implicated in gross human rights violations against Palestinians. The recent decision to ignore credible evidence of abuses by the Netzah Yehuda battalion and continue funding them directly violates US law. It is unacceptable for any military unit to evade accountability for transgressions as egregious as the killing of American citizen Omar Assad. Allowing such impunity undermines the principles of human rights and rule of law that the Leahy Law aims to uphold. The administration's failure to apply this law to Israel despite clear violations sets a dangerous precedent of impunity for other nations as well. The international outcry over Israel's relentless assault on Gaza, resulting in over 34,500 Palestinian casualties, underscores the urgent need for accountability mechanisms. Any Israeli forces involved in potential war crimes or disproportionate civilian harm during this offensive must also face scrutiny under the Leahy Law. Upholding international humanitarian law is a solemn duty, not a discretionary choice. Continuing to provide unconditional military funding to Israel enables and incentivizes further human rights abuses against the Palestinian people. It is imperative that Congress use its oversight authority to compel the executive branch to fully implement the Leahy Law restrictions on aid to abusive Israeli military units. A first step would be to demand transparency around the purported "remedial measures" that the administration has deemed sufficient to absolve certain Israeli battalions. The American public deserves full accountability for how its tax dollars are being used abroad.