  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on HR 9495

To: Rep. Morelle, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer

From: A constituent in Fairport, NY

November 21

The United States has a proud tradition of protecting free speech and allowing dissent, which strengthens our democracy. Legislation that could infringe on this fundamental right by empowering the government to unilaterally strip nonprofits of their tax-exempt status raises significant constitutional concerns. HR 9495 would give the Treasury Secretary unchecked authority to target groups deemed undesirable by the administration, stifling legitimate advocacy and protest. This poses a threat to civil liberties and undermines due process. Such overreach could have a chilling effect, discouraging organizations from speaking out on important issues for fear of reprisal. I urge reconsideration of this bill to safeguard the First Amendment rights integral to American democracy. Protecting freedom of expression, even for views we may disagree with, is essential for a vibrant civic discourse.

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