  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Use Your Voice: Demand Biden Stop Arming Israel!

To: Sen. Schumer, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Jackson Heights, NY

June 11

US facilitation of Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians is more than appalling, it is illegal. See 10 USC 362, 22 USC 2378-1, and 22 USC 2378d. PLEASE use your platform to pressure Biden to begin an arms embargo, immediately! Also, Netanyahu should not be allowed to address Congress while he is potentially facing charges in the ICC for war crimes. Rolling out a welcome mat for him is an utter disgrace and an affront to International order. I call on Senator Schumer and Leader Jeffries to revoke their invitation, and urge all members of the NY delegation to boycott.

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