An open letter to Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet, Rep. Neguse, Pres. Biden.
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet, Rep. Neguse, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Boulder, CO

May 6

I implore you to NOT make THC sales legal, there is NOT ENOUGH REGULATION in those states that have legalized the sales of THC and our young adults and teens are getting a hold of this and mental illness is surfacing as a result… with zero help…. Please listen to this Dr who has been researching all the information pouring in. High strength THC products are being sold. And there are zero treatment options for those teen through 20’s that are developing severe mental illnesses… even when they lawfully obtained the medical card to buy these high strength products. We live in Colorado, the legislative organization I am a part of, to put regulations on youths social media, and also regulate THC products was shot down by our governor. I hope and pray someone is paying attn. I was a democrat before… after this guys term… I am an independent here in Co. Please put regulation in place to limit high potency of any THC products being sold… Utah says no THC can be sold except if it is 10 to 1 CBD to THC. At least there is some regulation there… in Colorado there is no protection for the uninformed of the dangers of high potency THC products.

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