  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Make the SAVE plan law to protect struggling college graduates

To: Rep. Kildee, Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow

From: A verified voter in Bay City, MI

July 20

The recent court ruling blocking the SAVE student loan repayment plan will have devastating consequences for millions of borrowers struggling with unaffordable monthly payments. This program would have provided much-needed relief by lowering payments and offering a shorter path to forgiveness. With the economy still recovering, many college graduates are facing financial hardship and high debt burdens. Implementing the SAVE plan would protect these borrowers and ensure they can afford their monthly obligations without being crushed by student loan debt. I urge you to take action to make the SAVE plan law and provide meaningful student debt relief to those in need during these challenging economic times.

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