  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Say it Amin’s, Joe. STAY and unite.

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Mullin

From: A constituent in South San Francisco, CA

July 21

Say it isn’t so, Joe. Can we re-nominate you at DNC? Hang in there, Joe. California reps. I have committed every weekend to canvassing in three states. All areas that are swing, and all weekdays to postcard writing. FOR JOE AND KAMALA AND A UNITED MESSAGE. You and your Democratic colleagues wanting to change horses midstream have now put all of us and our win in jeopardy. Stupid, stupid, stupid Democratic self-inflicted wound Now there’s going to be all this energy in the wrong place trying to find a new candidate. How stupid can you all be? I will do anything to defeat Trump but you and your Democratic representatives in house and Senate calling for this step down was a huge mistake. It looks as though you have no plan and no candidate and no platform. It looks as though anybody who had any ambition to be president is now all going to be undercutting each other, and there will be no unity. Stupid, stupid, stupid What am I supposed to write on the postcards now? What am I supposed to do now? I think Joe should stay in. I think if necessary, he be re-nominated at the DNC.

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