  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Support Needed: Prioritize Public Transit Funding for SEPTA

To: Sen. Hughes, Gov. Shapiro, Rep. Krajewski

From: A verified voter in Philadelphia, PA

February 2

The recent state budget overlooks the critical need for public transit funding, leaving SEPTA on the brink of a fiscal cliff with a projected operating budget shortfall of $240 million. This could lead to service cuts and fare increases, disproportionately affecting those who rely on public transportation. A proposed sales tax transfer could provide SEPTA with an additional $190 million annually, mitigating this crisis. It is crucial to prioritize public transit as a vital public service, not a profit-driven entity. Therefore, it is requested that you reconsider the allocation of funds in the state budget to include the necessary support for SEPTA. This action will ensure the sustainability of public transit, benefiting all Pennsylvanians.

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