  1. United States
  2. Ky.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. McConnell, Pres. Biden, Rep. McGarvey, Sen. Paul

From: A verified voter in Louisville, KY

July 19

Really disappointed to see Representative Morgan McGarvey joining in on the calls for Biden to step down. This last-minute in-fighting is ridiculous and totally self-destructive. Biden and his administration have been the ones fighting for us for the past 3.5 years, and ditching the incumbent so we can further fight over who to replace him with make no sense. We all know the ‘debate’ was bad, but it’s hard to respond to a torrent of complete fabrications. I have full faith and confidence in Biden and his administration, and frankly, if those other people wanted to be the candidate, their time to throw their hat in the ring was last year! This whole push seems like something orchestrated by the GOP and fallen-for by some Dems. I’m voting Biden!

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