- United States
- N.Y.
- Letter
Please vote no on S. 1409, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). Despite the bill’s revisions between the 117th and 118th Congress, the fundamental challenges of the bill remain. Having one of the mechanisms for enforcement center around states’ attorney general absolutely opens the door for political abuses of power.
We’ve already see how certain state governments are politicizing LGBTQ+ content and anything related to race, using (and abusing) their power to ban books and materials, limit what can be taught in the classroom, with the threat of legal action should their orders are not followed. KOSA would further empower them and put them in the position of being able to dictate what content platforms can show to minors.
And while the bill claims that the attorneys general would have to work in tandem with the commission, as well as potentially take guidance from the Kids Council, there is no clarity on the supposed experts that would be involved in any of these groups.
While the intent of the bill may be good, the outcome won't be. Congress needs to rethink how they approach and related issues, and not try to legislate with such broad mandates.