  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Langworthy

From: A constituent in Holland, NY

November 13

This bill seeks to terminate the tax-exempt status of organizations designated as providing material support to terrorist groups, while also providing relief from penalties and interest for American hostages and wrongfully detained individuals. However, there are serious concerns about potential abuse and overreach in the designation process that could unfairly target lawful humanitarian aid groups and peaceful protestors. The broad definition of "material support" risks criminalizing legitimate activities out of line with Constitutional free speech and association protections. Additionally, the limited due process afforded to designated organizations is highly problematic and unacceptable in a democratic society. For these reasons, this well-intentioned but flawed legislation must not move forward without major revisions to address these civil liberties concerns. Protecting national security from true threats is paramount, but not at the expense of our core values and rights. I urge reconsideration and improvement of this bill to prevent unjust persecution of law-abiding advocacy groups.

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