  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Pres. Biden, Rep. Sherman, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

October 19

Donald trump went on a major network and revealed he works with them to help him get elected, he told the hosts on fox that he was headed to a meeting with the owner of the network to discuss helping to get him elected by no taking adds for his opponent, this is illegal and the network should immediately loose its ability to use the public airwaves, we the people allow fox to broadcast on our public networks, we give them a license and should not be a propaganda network working directly with any candidate, as he also revealed, the writers for fox were writing his scripts for an appearance. This cannot be allowed, fox must pay a price for being in the tank for any one candidate. This cannot stand.

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