  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Harris 2024: Generational Change for Hope and Unity

To: Rep. DeLauro, Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in New Haven, CT

July 8

President Biden should step aside and permit Vice President Kamala Harris to helm the Democratic ticket, as her vibrant presence and command of complex policy issues position her better than the aging incumbent to defeat Republican nominee Donald Trump. Harris' potential history-making candidacy could reenergize key Democratic constituencies while drawing support across the electorate by inviting Democrats and Republicans alike to the negotiating table to solve complex issues such as the economy, immigration, reproductive rights, and democracy. Whereas Donald Trump will further divide the nation and cause gridlock in Congress by refusing to work across the aisle. America stands at a crossroads, needing generational change to steer the nation away from the chaos and autocracy risked by another Trump term towards a revitalized progressive future of hope and unity that Harris represents.

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