  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown, Pres. Biden, Rep. Turner

From: A constituent in Vandalia, OH

May 31

I am disappointed in the Republicans! Mike Turner said ““This is not how our country should handle democracy,” said Turner, a Dayton Republican. ‘This is a battle now for the soul of our country. People should know that it makes a difference when you have an administration who is willing to pursue a candidate who is their opposition in criminal courts across the country.’” Show me the proof that the Biden administration manipulated the prosecutor and judge and jury in the Trump trial. This is exactly how the system is supposed to work - NO ONE is above the law - criminals can and should be prosecuted for their crimes. It’s time for republicans to wake up and recognize that Trump is a dishonest, irresponsible, immature, immoral, racist, misogynist, lying convicted con man destroying the republican party and threatening democracy.

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