Seek peaceful resolution for Gaza, prioritize civilians' safety
  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Seek peaceful resolution for Gaza, prioritize civilians' safety

To: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Self, Pres. Biden, Sen. Cornyn

From: A constituent in McKinney, TX

May 8

The situation in Gaza and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is deeply concerning from a humanitarian standpoint. The potential escalation of military action in Rafah raises fears of further loss of civilian life and displacement. While a comprehensive resolution remains elusive, prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of civilians caught in the crossfire must be the utmost priority. Continued dialogue and diplomatic efforts are crucial to prevent an all-out invasion of Rafah and mitigate the humanitarian toll. All parties should exercise maximum restraint and explore every avenue for a durable ceasefire agreement that addresses the underlying grievances and secures the release of hostages. The free flow of vital aid into Gaza through border crossings must also be safeguarded. A peaceful settlement respectful of human rights and international law is the only path forward. The cyclical violence has already inflicted immense suffering on both Palestinians and Israelis. Sustained engagement from the international community is needed to facilitate a just and lasting peace for the people of the region.

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