  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Stop the infighting and start focusing on GOTV in November

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Clarke

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

July 20

As one of your constituents, I’m calling on you as a leading member of the Democratic Party to push the party to FOCUS. We need to stop the constant bits and pieces of information about Biden and whether he’ll stay on the ticket, and the cycle of media reacting and the party reacting back. It is baffling to me that this is the news story the party is content to run with mere months before an election where the future of our democracy is once again at stake. This is the same thing that happened in 2016 with “but Clinton’s emails!” and I’m disappointed to see you all falling for it again and using it to score political points or backdoor into national recognition/a possible nomination. If we lose this game, those points won’t matter. All this at a time when we should be coming together to win against an existential threat to the republic, and focusing on the damage this hyperconservative Supreme Court is doing and the horrors of Project 2025. We need to be messaging about everything we have accomplished—infrastructure, student loans, economic recovery—and we need to have a plan to win this election whether Biden remains the candidate or not. Stop the infighting and start acting like we want to win in November. Thank you.

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